Deploy on Wildfly

This guide will help you install an UberFire demo application on your own computer. This will help let you try out an UberFire application in Wildfly, and prove the UberFire apps work with your setup.

Building our App

This demo will be based on UF tasks app from previous section. If you didn't work on this App, fell download it and build it from source code:

git clone
cd uftasks
mvn clean install

Get an app server

UFTasks was generated from Uberfire Archetype. So inside uftasks-showcase, there is a directory called uftasks-distributions-wars that has inside target directory, WAR files for JBoss EAP 6.4, Tomcar 7.0 and Wildfly 8.1. Let's install this app on Tomcat 7.0

Get an app server

If you don't already have Wildfly 8.1 installed on your computer, you can download and install it. Installing is as easy as downloading and unzipping.

Start the app server

Now start the app server using a command line terminal. Use the cd command to change the working directory of your terminal to the place where you unzipped the application server, then execute one of the following commands, based on your operating system and choice of app server:

*nix, Mac OS X Windows
bin/ bin\standalone.bat

Then visit the URL http://localhost:8080/ and you should see a webpage confirming that the app server is running.

Deploy the WAR

Rename the UFtasks wildfly WAR file to uftasks.war and copy it into the auto-deployment directory for your app server. In example on Unix/Linux/Mac:

mv uftasks-showcase-1.0-SNAPSHOT-wildfly8.1.war /~/bin/wildfly-8.1.0.Final/standalone/deployments/uftasks.war

See it work!

Now visit http://localhost:8080/uftasks/ and sign in with username admin, password admin.

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